Innovation Lab

Mozzie's Brewing Co.

Spirit Led. Spirit Inspired.

Mozzie’s Brewing Co.

Worthy & True is financially and operationally sustainable based on a blended finance model. As we seek disruptive change to unjust systems, we believe that our funding must also lead social innovation by cultivating socially circular economic systems. To accomplish this, we partner with local start ups by providing business consulting and seed funding in exchange for equity. 
Worthy & True holds 30% equity in Mozzie’s Brewing Co., a social enterprise focused on cultivating safe space where customers in Cambodia can find thriving community that engages the challenges of life in Cambodia through wholehearted living. Worthy & True’s equity in Mozzie”s is directed to paying tuition for all Shine students at the Sen Sok Shine campus. Currently, Mozzie is needing to raise $160,000 to open up their first taproom and to expand their brew sales operation.